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I’m Porco, a solo solidity dev whose main interests are around DeFi, ZKP, and Account Abstraction.
Tech Stacks: Solidity, NodeJS, Typescript, React, and Noir ( + learning Rust ).


  • SafeRecover: A Safe module used for recovering ownership of Safe account with various zk-powered recovery methods, such as private backup address, zkTouchID, social recovery with private guardians, and secret word. The product is still under development as one of the Safe Grant Wave I grantees.

  • AztecSnap: A MetaMask Snap that works on Aztec, a privacy first zk-rollup on Ethereum. It’s a smart contract wallet that supports ECDSA signature and enables private calls to any Aztec contract. Won the sponsor prize from Aztec at ETH Global Istanbul.

Past commitments


  • BatcherVault: It allows users to obfuscate their swap amounts when they trade on AMMs on Aztec zk-rollup. It leverages an additive homomorphic encryption scheme to encrypt and aggregate users’ input amounts without revealing individual amounts. Got top prize from Aztec at Alpha DEX BUILD hackathon.

  • Banganoir: An ERC4337 Wallet controlled by Aadhaar identity, which integrates OTP powered by Noir to provide an additional layer of security for your funds. Got a prize from AnonAadhaar.

  • Numer0n: A number-guessing game, like Hit&Blow, built on Aztec Sandbox, where two players play against each other and try to figure out the opponent’s secret number. The secret numbers are privately stored in smart contrcat on Aztec.


  • GhostPay at ETH Rome: GhostPay lets anyone privately send and receive crypto with a URL link. Plus, users can receive/claim crypto in any tokens they prefer. Got the first prizes from Peanut Protocol and Railgun.

  • AnonAA at ETHPrague: ERC4337-based social recovery wallet that implements private guardians and two other privacy-preserving features with Noir ZKP, which got prizes from Ethereum Foundation (ERC4337) and Scroll.

  • HyperBOB at ETHGlobal Tokyo: an ERC4337 wallet with cross-chain private transfer. Won the sponsor prizes from zkBOB, Hyperlane and Polygon.

  • Bye Bye Private Key at ETHGlobal Scaling Ethereum: fingerprint transaction signing feature for AA wallet on zkSync. Won the sponsor prizes from zkSync and Optimism.

  • Account Trade Limit at zkSync Era Hack0: AA wallet with traiding limit feature on zkSync. Won the first prize in Account Abstraction & Security.

  • The daily spending limit tutorial for zkSync Gitcoin bounty: I created an AA wallet with the daily spending limit feature and its tutorial documentation.



Blog Posts


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  • Discord: porco_rosso_j
  • Telegram: @porco_rosso_j
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